
What if the one thing that I missed was everything I need to pass the test

Nothing happens to me and that's why the blog is dead. Okay well school happens but there's really nothing too amazing to tell about it except our photographing classes and Nasutukset and something like that.

Then there was also Taiteiden yö ("Night of Art") which I have no photos of and I'm not going to tell anything 'cause I don't think I have anything interesting to tell about. And then we have the same old list of things I've bought 'cause I'm such a materialist and sorry about it.

So we have movies Devil Wears Prada, Mr. & Mrs. Smith, Iron Man 2, Inception and The Hunger Games. I got also a Hunger Games movie poster when I bought the DVD but it's still lying on my floor 'cause I've got no tape or anything. And Devil Wears Prada and Mr. & Mrs. Smith I bought only because there was a offer in Game Stop that you could get three movies with only 9.90 euros and I was already buying Inception so I thought that what the hell! And now I've got them. Also I'm still looking for Iron Man and The Incredible Hulk (also Hulk but that might be harder to find) so if anyone sees them please inform me!
And then we have two new CDs. I rarely buy CDs but when I saw Bon Jovi's Greatest Hits for only 9,90 euros I just HAD to buy it. And then my lovely friend Isa bought me The Avengers inspired CD and believe me when I say that I started crying when she gave it to me.
So that's pretty much about it. School is okay and my classmates seem nice. Next weekend is Tracon and I'm going to go there to take pictures of Mello and see Heidi and some others. And next Friday the Avengers DVD is finally realized (in Finland) but all the cool extras are on Blu-Ray and not DVD and I'm angry about this but we'll see what I'll do with this. Now I'm going back to watch a movie or write a movie or maybe just sleep. I don't know but here, have a puppy.

title's lyrics from "Live to Rise" by Soundgarden


  1. Anonymous2/9/12 15:09

    Mä nappasin Iron Manin mukaani ihan Anttilasta joskus alkukesästä mut nyt en oo sitä sielläkään enää nähny.. The Incredible Hulk on mulla kans metsästyksen kohteena, mikä on ku ei löydy DD: Pitäs varmaan tehä tilaus CDONiin tai jotain..

    asdfghkjh Avengers Assemble, kyl kelpais!

    1. Juu no ku noi tollaset leffat on vähä nii et niitä on joku pari kappaletta ja sit FIUU kaikki menee nopsaa I: sain ite onneks sen Iron Man 2:sen joskus sieltä nappastua ja semi halvalla jopa! Tilailla kai pitäis jep..

    2. Anonymous13/9/12 19:30

      Itseasiassa, syön sanani, juokses äkkiä asematunnelin anttilaan kuhan kerkeet. Ne on saanu sinne vissiin saanu uuden erän iron mania ku tänään katoin 8D

    3. EI JUMALAUTA MIKS MUN PITÄÄ OLLA PEEAA JUST NYT (tai oikeestaa aina)? Mutta kiitos vinkistä, kipasen siellä ku lompakko saa taas ravintoa! (:
